Final resolution of the first call for the selection of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategies to be co-financed through the ERDF Operational Programme for Sustainable Growth 2014-2020, in which the "Ciudad Única, La Rinconada 2022" Strategy is selected with a contribution of five million euros.
This document resolves to allocate assistance from the European Regional Development Fund to the beneficiary entities whose DUSI Strategy is selected. Secondly, it designates the beneficiary entities of the previous section "ERDF Intermediate Bodies" solely for the purpose of selecting operations. Due to this condition, they must prepare a Procedures Manual. This Manual, in which they must document all aspects and processes allowing them to fulfil their obligations, must be sent to the Intermediate Management Body on which they depend, within a maximum period of two months from the publication of this resolution in the BOE (State Official Gazette), by the means and in the format established.