Citizen’s Advice Service

6. Process

The Management Unit of the EDUSI “Ciudad Única, La Rinconada 2022 (La Rinconada, Unique City 2022), hereinafter referred to as the Management Unit, will perform the functions of a “Light” Intermediate Agencies (OIL), in accordance with Mayoral Decrees No. 692 of 13 November 2017 and No. 693 of 20 November 2017. This Management Unit will be responsible for managing the Call for Expressions of Interest.

The selection and approval of all requested operations will be carried out by Ms. Raquel Vega Coca, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy and Finance, 2030 Agenda and Culture of La Rinconada Town Halll, as the head of the Management Unit. She will be responsible for approving or rejecting the operations previously reported, and Mr. Javier Fernández de los Ríos, Mayor of La Rinconada, will be responsible for approving the external technical assistance operations under the management, communication, and publicity axis.

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