Citizen’s Advice Service

7. Application Form

Executing Units interested in participating in this Call for Expressions of Interest must submit their application form to the Management Unit, including the following documentation:

  • Annex I: Expression of Interest
  • Documentation related to the operation

Once the application form for participation in the Call for Expressions of Interest is registered, it will be verified along with the submitted documentation. If it does not comply with the established procedure, a period will be given to correct any deficiencies found.

Application forms for participation in the Call for Expressions of Interest that do not correct the deficiencies communicated and/or do not meet the requirements of this call will be rejected, and the applicant Executing Unit will be informed.

All operations for which funding is requested must include a budget allocation for communication, information, and publicity actions specific to the operation itself, to highlight the achievement of the objectives set out in the 2014-2020 Sustainable Growth Operational Programme (POCS) and the role of the European Union. This amount must be at least 0.4% of the requested budget.

The decision to approve or deny the submitted application form to participate, once the CPSO have been applied, will be communicated to the applicant Executing Units.

Once the requested operation is approved, the Management Unit will inform the Executing Unit and provide them with the Document Establishing the Conditions of Aid (DECA) for signature. This document outlines the requirements, financial plan, and schedule. The formal selection of the operation will be effective when the DECA is accepted by the Executing Unit and registered by the Management Unit.

All selected operations will appear in a list of operations co-financed by the EU and in the National Subsidies Database (BDNS).

The application form to participate in the Call for Expressions of Interest by the Executing Units, and all communications, including the submission of documentation, DECA, etc., between the Management Unit and the Executing Units regarding the management of the submitted participation applications, will be carried out through the e-administration platform GESTDOC.

There is the possibility of modifying an approved operation when there are justified reasons for the proposed changes. This modification must be requested from the Management Unit before implementation and the operation will not be executed until the proposed change has been approved following the established procedure.

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